Check out the candidates official bios at https://www.greenparty.ca/en/leadership-contest#contestants
It’s not too late! You have until tomorrow– Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 to join the Green Party of Canada (or renew your lapsed membership) in time to vote for the next Green Party of Canada Leader.
Judy N Green has withdrawn her candidacy and thrown her support behind David Merner, so now the candidate nominees are down to 8:
- Amita Kuttner @AmitaKuttner https://amitakuttner.ca/
- David Merner @DavidMerner https://davidmerner.com/
- Glen Murray @Glen4Climate https://www.green-glen.ca/
- Annamie Paul @AnnamiePaul https://www.annamiepaul.ca/
- Meryam Haddad @MeryamHd2020 https://www.meryam2020.ca/en/welcome
- Courtney Howard @courtghoward https://drcourtneyhoward.ca/
- Dimitri Lascaris @dimitrilascaris https://www.teamdimitri.ca/
- Andrew West @greenandrewwest http://www.andrewwest.ca/