The 43rd Canadian federal Election is on! Mr Trudeau decided to call it a little early, on the day of Mike Schreiner’s Brantford—Brant Town Hall. The event was well attended, and turned out to be an excellent opportunity to discuss federal issues and answer questions.
The lead up to the official election period has been a busy one, and I’ve had some excellent opportunities to connect with voters. There will be more opportunities in the weeks to come.
Green Drinks is a non-partisan gathering of people from all walks of life and across the political spectrum who are interested in a Greener future. Naturally Green Party members and supporters (and candidates like me) come out.
Come out and Meet me— and perhaps other party candidates— at Green Drinks in Paris tonight.
Friday, September 13th
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m (or for as long as folks are around)
Midtown Kitchen & Coffee Co.
59 Grand River St N, Paris
Hope to see you there!