If you have not received your voting card, you can find out where to go to vote with the poll finder on the Elections Canada website:
If you receive an automated message telling you to vote somewhere else, always check with Elections Canada to be sure.
Make sure you have the necessary Identification Documents
Option 1: Show one of these pieces of ID
- your driver’s licence
- any other card issued by a Canadian government (federal, provincial/territorial or local) with your photo, name and current address
Option 2: Show two pieces of ID
Both must have your name and at least one must have your current address.
- voter information card and bank statement
- utility bill and student ID card
Don’t have these? No problem! Check the list of accepted ID.
Option 3: If you don’t have ID
You can still vote if you declare your identity and address in writing and have someone who knows you and who is assigned to your polling station vouch for you.
The voucher must be able to prove their identity and address. A person can vouch for only one person (except in long-term care institutions).
Important information about ID
- We accept pieces of ID in their original format. If your document was issued electronically, like an e-statement or an e-invoice, bring a printout or show it on a mobile device.
- We accept different pieces of ID from the same source if the documents serve different purposes. For example, we accept an invoice and a transcript from the same school.
- Your name and address must be printed on the ID. They can’t be added by hand, unless they are added by the issuer of the document, like a residence administrator or a guardian.
- We accept expired ID, as long as it has your name and current address.
- The pieces of ID listed above are authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer. No other pieces will be accepted.
- The pieces of ID required for a federal election are not the same as for provincial, territorial or municipal elections.
In Canada you can register to vote right at the Polling Station on Election Day!
To check if you’re registered at your current address, use the Online Voter Registration Service or contact your local Elections Canada office.
You can also register or update your voter information, including your name, at your assigned polling station before you vote on election day, Monday, October 21.
Information from Elections Canada
2. Join Us!

Feel the Green Wave! Join us for Sign Waving at Prominence Point today! 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Join Bob Jonkman and the Brant Greens team to celebrate a hard fought election.
21 October 2019 @ 7:15 pm – 11:59 pm
WHERE: Socialable Kitchen and Tavern
45 King George Road, Brantford, Ontario