Category Archives: Bob Jonkman

2019 Brantford—Brant Debates

Citizens have a big decision to make in this election. Do we want to keep the status quo? Or do we want change? In 2015, a lot of citizens wanted change.  And so, as often happens, we replaced a Conservative … Continue reading

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Busy Weekend!

We started Saturday at the 7th Annual Brantford Mosque Open House.  Imam Tarek invited the federal candidates and offered us the opportunity to introduce ourselves to the community. We also made it to Art in the Park and Scare in … Continue reading

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All Candidates Debate held Monday 30 September 2019

On Monday, 30 September 2019 I was at the first All Candidates Debate, hosted by the Brantford Chamber of Commerce and Rogers Television. The debate was moderated by Paul Bisanti, with Cindy Swanson and Sandra Vos on the question panel. … Continue reading

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The Election Sign Issue

Every candidate knows the importance of election signs. When people put up a candidate’s sign in their yard, they are endorsing that candidate’s campaign and signalling their support to their neighbors. It’s not going to surprise anyone to learn Green … Continue reading

Posted in Bob Jonkman, Brantford-Brant, Green Party of Canada | 1 Comment

Join me for Green Drinks in Paris

The 43rd Canadian federal Election is on!  Mr Trudeau decided to call it a little early, on the day of Mike Schreiner’s Brantford—Brant Town Hall.  The event was well attended, and turned out to be an excellent opportunity to discuss … Continue reading

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Fall Fair Fun

Every candidate from every party needs to get 100 verified signatures from qualified voters in their riding before Elections Canada will add their name to the ballot. This isn’t an endorsement, it tells Elections Canada the candidate is a real … Continue reading

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Pre-Election Fun: Labor Day Weekend

We’ve been very busy getting geared up for the 2019 Election Campaign.  We’re planning on hosting weekly “Coffee With the Candidate” events where anyone can drop by for an informal chat, ask me any questions they might have about about … Continue reading

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Acceptance speech at the Brant Greens Nomination Meeting, 21 May 2019

On Tuesday, 21 May 2019 the Brant Greens held a nomination meeting, and I was selected as the Green Party of Canada candidate for Brantford-Brant. Here’s the video of my acceptance speech: YouTube: Bob Jonkman: GPC Candidate for Brantford—Brant

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Nova Vita Heels to Heal Walk 2019 Sunday!

On Sunday I’ll be participating in my first ever Nova Vita Heels to Heal Walk 2019 SUNDAY June 9th, 2019 12:30pm Harmony Square, Brantford YouTube:

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Bob Jonkman is the Brantford–Brant Green Party Candidate

Hi. My name is Bob Jonkman, and I’m the Green Party candidate for Brantford–Brant. Today I had the privilege of speaking those words for the first time. I was at the Brant Greens AGM, where I was selected as the … Continue reading

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