Hello Kitchener–Conestoga Green Party members, supporters and friends!
There’s a provincial election coming in June, and the Kitchener–Conestoga Greens are starting to gear up.
Along with the other Waterloo Region Green Party riding associations, we’re having an election planning meeting this Thursday:
What: Election planning meeting
When: Thursday, 15 February 2018, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: Re/Max Office
Location: 720 Westmount Rd East, Kitchener Map
Everyone is welcome to come, not only Green Party members. Bring a friend, and meet the candidates for Waterloo, Zdravko Gunjevic, and Kitchener Centre, Stacey Danckert. We’ll talk about campaign strategies for Waterloo Region, and the Green Party of Ontario’s priorities
If you’re hearing about this for the first time, my apologies for the short notice. We’re just getting started with mailouts for KitCon Green Party members, so future events will get much more advance notice.
Speaking of future events:
The Kitchener–Conestoga provincial Consituents Association and the Kitchener–Conestoga federal Electoral District Association will be having their Annual General Meeting in four weeks:
What: AGM for Kitchener–Conestoga Green Party CA and EDA
When: Thursday, 15 March 2018 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Where: Kennedy’s Restaurant
Location: 1750 Erb’s Road, St. Agatha, Ontario Map
We’ll elect new executive for the upcoming year. Positions to be filled are:
- EDA Chief Executive Officer (currently Bob Jonkman)
- EDA Financial Agent (currenty Laurel Russwurm)
- CA President (currenty Bob Jonkman)
- CA Chief Financial Officer (currently Laurel Russwurm)
- Up to three Principal Officers (currently Marie Bridel, David Weber, Wiyanna Green)
The AGM is at 7:00pm, but please join us for dinner at 6:00pm, and feel free to stay and chat about politics over a beverage until closing. Have a look at Kennedy’s menu!
Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM, but only paid-up members can vote or run for the Executive. Lapsed members can renew their membership that night, but new members need to submit their membership payment by 1 March 2018.
The AGM also marks the closing day for candidate nominations for the Provincial Election. If you’d like to run, please contact Maureen Balsillie, Organizer for the Green Party of Ontario at maureenbalsillie@gpo.ca or +1–519–400–1437
The Kitchener–Conestoga Nomination Contest will be held in early April to select our candidate for the June provincial election.
Hope to see you at a Green Party event soon!
–Bob Jonkman
Kitchener–Conestoga Green Party of Ontario
Constituents Association